פרופ' רפאל נחמיאס

אמריטוס בביה"ס לחינוך
ועדת מינויים יחידתית בביה"ס לחינוך
ראש מרכז אקדמי בביה"ס לחינוך
ביה"ס לחינוך אמריטוס
פרופ' רפאל נחמיאס
טלפון פנימי: 03-6406532
פקס: 03-6407752
משרד: שרת

מידע כללי

רפי נחמיאס הוא פרופ' מן המניין בהוראת המדעים וטכנולוגיה חינוכית. בין השנים  2010-2014 היה ראש ביה"ס לחינוך באוניברסיטת תל-אביב. בעבר כיהן כסגן המנהל הכללי של רשת אורט בישראל. משנת 2000 עומד בראש המרכז לחינוך מדעי וטכנולוגי באוניברסיטת תל-אביב ובראש מיזם האוניברסיטה לשילוב האינטרנט בהוראה האקדמית Virtual TAU-. בשנת 2016 נבחר לעמוד בראש הקתדרה של אונסקו באוניברסיטת תל-אביב בתחום טכנולוגיה ואינטרנציונליזציה בחינוך.


עבודתו המדעית של פרופ' רפי נחמיאס מתמקדת בנקודות המפגש בין טכנולוגיות מידע ותקשורת לבין תהליכי הוראה ולמידה. בחברה המודרנית עתירת הידע, השתנו מן היסוד יחסי הגומלין בין הפרט ובין הידע ובכלל זאת, דרכי רכישתו של הידע, ניהולו וייצוגו. לטכנולוגיות מידע ותקשורת (תקשוב) ובראשן האינטרנט, פוטנציאל רב להשפעה על תלמידים ועל הדרכים בהן הם לומדים, על תהליכי ההוראה והפדגוגיה ועל שינוי מערכות חינוך מגן הילדים, דרך בתי ספר ומוסדות להשכלה גבוהה ועד להכשרה והדרכה בארגונים. המחקר אותו מבצע פרופ' נחמיאס בוחן את השפעת הטכנולוגיה על החינוך ואת משמעויותיה בשלושה תחומים: א) חקר השפעת התקשוב על ההוראה בבתי ספר ובהשכלה הגבוהה; ב) בחינת המיומנויות החדשות הנדרשות מן הפרט בעידן הידע; ג) פיתוח ויישום מתודולוגיות של כריית נתוני רשת לבחינת תהליכי למידה מקוונים. בנוסף לתחומי מחקר אלו, הוא עוסק בקידום החינוך המדעי-טכנולוגי באמצעות פיתוח חומרי לימוד, מחקר יישומי וטיפוח מנהיגות מורים המתבצעים במרכז לחינוך מדעי וטכנולוגי. 

קורות חיים


1975-1978       BA, Tel-Aviv University, Department of Statistics (Magna Cum Laude)

1979-1981       MA, Tel-Aviv University, Department of Statistics    

1981-1986       Ph.D., Tel-Aviv University, School of Education        

1985-1987       Postdoctoral Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Graduate School of Education, Division of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology

1994-1995       Teaching Certificate in Mathematics, Tel-Aviv University,    School of Education                                                              

Research Interests


  • Web-Mining of on-line learning
  • Internet and Higher Education
  • Personal Information Management (PIM) and Education
  • Web-Based Learning and Instruction
  • ICT in Science Education
  • ICT implementation in Education
  • Science Education in elementary schools


Current Academic Responsibilities


  • Full Professor of Science Education in the School of Education in Tel Aviv University.
  • UNESCO Chair for Technology, Internationalization and Education at Tel Aviv University (since 2016).
  • Head of the School of Education, Tel Aviv University (2010-2014).
  • Head of the Virtual TAU ­ Web-Based academic Instruction at TAU (since 2000).
  • Head of the Science and Technology Education Center (SATEC), Tel Aviv University (since 2000).
  • Head of the Science Education program, School of Education, Tel-Aviv University.
  • National research coordinator of the IEAs'  International Technology in Education Study.
  • National research coordinator of the IEA's TIMSS Study.


Academic Courses


  • Internet and Higher Education
  •  Research Seminar on Web-Based Learning
  • ICT-Based Teaching Environments


Principal Investigator of major R&D Projects (in the last 10 years)

2004-2007           National Research Coordinator (NRC) of the Second International Study of Information Technologies in Education (SITES2006), conducted by the IEA. Funded by the Ministry of Education and RAMA - the Israeli Authority for Evaluation of Educational Achievements (with Prof. D. Mioduser)              Budget of 800,000 NIS for three years.

2005-2007           Second Phase of Advancing Academic Web-Based Instruction in Tel-Aviv University. Project Funded by VATAT (The Israeli Council for Higher Education).                                                       Budget of 2,000,000 NIS for two years.

2005-2008           National Research Coordinator (NRC) of the TIMSS 2007, conducted by the IEA. Funded by the Ministry of Education and RAMA - the Israeli Authority for Evaluation of Educational Achievements (with Prof. R. Zuzovsky).                                                                                 Budget of 1,100,000 NIS for three years.

2006-2009           Development of Science and Technology Elementary School textbook series in Hebrew and Arabic. Funded by The Ministry of Education and TAU internal funds.                                           Budget of  5,000,000 NIS for four years.

2006-2008           EVNU – The European Virtual Nano2Life University an educational project of  Nano2Life Network of Excellence. Funded by The European Union – FP6.                                               Research grant of €120,000 for about three years.

2000-2018           LAMDA - Enrichment of Science and Technology Elementary School teachers (with Prof. D. Mioduser). Funded by The Ministry of Education and Culture.                                                          Budget of about 1,500,000 NIS annually.

2009-2011           Development of Students' Awareness to Energy Effectiveness. Funded by the Ministry of National Infrastructures.                                           Budget of 750,000 NIS for two years.

2009-2012           Dynalearn - Engaging and informed tools for learning conceptual system knowledge. Funded by The European Union – FP7. Research grant (with Prof. D. Mioduser and Prof. E. Benyahu) of about   €250,000 (from a total of € 2,500,000 with all European associates) for three years.

2014-2018           Development of Science and Technology Elementary School textbook series in Hebrew and Arabic. Funded by Ramot TAU. Budget of  2,000,000 NIS.

תחומי מחקר והוראה

תחומי מחקר: למידה והוראה באמצעות האינטרנט, למידה והוראת מדעים באמצעות סביבות ממוחשבות, שילוב מערכות תקשוב בבתי ספר.

תחומי הוראה: למידה ברשת, סביבות ממוחשבות בהוראת מתמטיקה, מדע וטכנולוגיה.

פרסומים נבחרים

פרסומים נבחרים

  1. BOOKS
  1. Mioduser, D., Nachmias, R., Tubin, D., & Forkosh-Baruch, A. Innovative Pedagogical Practices using Information and Communication Technologies. Israel: Ramot [Hebrew], 2006, 220 pp.
  2. Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., &  Forkosh-Baruch, A. Information and Communication Technologies in Mathematics and Science Education in Israel. Israel: Ramot [Hebrew], 2009, 197 pp.
  3. Nachmias, R., & Zuzovsky, R. Learning Outcomes of Mathematics and Science in Israel – Finding from the TIMMS 2007. Israel: Ramot [Hebrew], 2009, 252 pp.


  1. מיודוסר, ד. , נחמיאס, ר.  ובלאו, א. המחשב השקוף, הוצאת רמות אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, 1984, 86 עמ'.
  2. נחמיאס, ר., מיודוסר, ד. ,  וחן, ד. הוראת שפת תכנות לילדים  הוצאת מסדה, 1985, 183 עמ'.
  3. אורן, א., נחמיאס, ר., מיודוסר, ד. ,  וחן, ד. מחשבים בחינוך: מארז להכשרת מורים,  הוצאת רמות אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, 1985, 200 עמ'.
  4. מינץ, ר. , נחמיאס, ר.  רוטרי, נ., וחן, ד. אקו-חי : מדריך למשתמש  הוצאת רמות אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, 1986, 72  עמ'.
  5. מיודוסר, ד. , נחמיאס, ר.  וחן, ד. מידע הולך לעיבוד, הוצאת רמות אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, 1986, 92 עמ'.
  6. נחמיאס, ר. מיודוסר, ד. דרסלר, מ. ומינץ, ר.  במבט חדש - מדע וטכנולוגיה לכיתה ג', הוצאת רמות תל-אביב, 2007. ספר לימוד  200 עמ', מדריך למורה  220 עמ'.

Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., Dresler, M., & Mintz, R.

Science & Technology in the Elementary School - Grade 3. Textbook (200 pp.) and teacher companion (220 pp.). Tel-Aviv: Ramot, 2007 (Hebrew and Arabic).

  1. נחמיאס, ר. מיודוסר, ד. דרסלר, מ. ומינץ, ר.  במבט חדש - מדע וטכנולוגיה לכיתה ד', הוצאת רמות תל-אביב, 2007, ספר לימוד  248 עמ', מדריך למורה 235  עמ'.

Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., Dresler, M., & Mintz, R.

Science & Technology in the Elementary School - Grade 4. Textbook (248 pp.) and teacher companion (235 pp.).Tel-Aviv: Ramot, 2007 (Hebrew and Arabic).


  1. נחמיאס, ר. מיודוסר, ד. דרסלר, מ. ומינץ, ר.  במבט חדש - מדע וטכנולוגיה לכיתה ב', הוצאת רמות תל-אביב, 2008, ספר לימוד  200 עמ' מדריך למורה 198 עמ'.

Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., Dresler, M., & Mintz, R.

Science & Technology in the Elementary School - grade 2. Textbook (200 pp.)  and teacher companion (198 pp.). Tel-Aviv: Ramot, 2007 (Hebrew and Arabic).

  1. נחמיאס, ר. מיודוסר, ד. דרסלר, מ. ומינץ, ר.  במבט חדש - מדע וטכנולוגיה לכיתה ה', הוצאת רמות תל-אביב, 2008 . ספר לימוד  280 עמ' מדריך למורה 232 עמ'.

Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., Dresler, M., & Mintz, R.

Science & Technology in the Elementary School - grade 5. Textbook (280 pp.) and teacher companion (232 pp.).Tel-Aviv: Ramot, 2008 (Hebrew and Arabic).


  1. נחמיאס, ר. מיודוסר, ד. דרסלר, מ. ומינץ, ר.  במבט חדש - מדע וטכנולוגיה לכיתה א', הוצאת רמות תל-אביב, 2009 . ספר לימוד  200 עמ' מדריך למורה 232 עמ'.

Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., Dresler, M., & Mintz, R.

Science & Technology in the Elementary School - grade 1. Textbook (200 pp.) and teacher companion (232 pp.).Tel-Aviv: Ramot, 2009 (Hebrew and Arabic).

  1. נחמיאס, ר. מיודוסר, ד. דרסלר, מ. ומינץ, ר.  במבט חדש - מדע וטכנולוגיה לכיתה ו', הוצאת רמות תל-אביב, 2009. ספר לימוד  300 עמ' מדריך למורה 250 עמ'.

Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., Dresler, M., & Mintz, R.

Science & Technology in the Elementary School - grade 6. Textbook (300 pp.) and teacher companion (250 pp.).Tel-Aviv: Ramot, 2009 (Hebrew and Arabic).



  • Chen, D., & Nachmias, R.  The Design and Implementation of an Introductory Computer Literacy Course for Teachers and Educational Decision-Makers, Technological Horizons in Education Journal (T.H.E.), 11 (4), 113-117, 1984.
  • חן, ד., ונחמיאס, ר. " יישום מערכות מחשבים בחינוך", עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך 11, 93-103, 1984.
  • Nachmias, R., Linn, M. C.  Evaluation of Science Laboratory Data: the Role of Computer-resented Information. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 24(5), 491-506, 1987.
  • Linn, M. C., Layman, J. & Nachmias, R.  Cognitive Consequences of Microcomputer-Based Laboratories: Graphing Skills Development.  Journal of Contemporary Educational Psychology, 12(3), 244-253, 1987.
  • Friedler, Y. Nachmias, R. & Songer N. B.  Teaching scientific Reasoning Skills: A Case Study of a Microcomputer-Based Curriculum. School Science and Mathematics, 89(1), 58-67, 1989.
  • נחמיאס, ר. " מעבדת מדעים ממוחשבת: הלכה ומעשה", מגמות 32(2), 245-261, 1989.
  • Nachmias, R., Friedler, Y. & Linn, M. C.  The Role of Programming Environments in Pascal Instruction. Computer Education, 14(2), 145-158, 1990.
  • Friedler, Y. Nachmias, R. & Linn, M. C.  Learning Scientific Reasoning Skills in Microcomputer-Based Laboratories.   Journal of Research in Science Teaching 27(2), 173-191, 1990.
  • Arcavi, A. & Nachmias R.   Desperately Looking for the Focus. Mathematics in School, 19(2), 19-23, 1990.
  • Stein, J.S., Nachmias, R. & Friedler, Y. An Experimental Comparison of Two Science Laboratory Environments: Traditional and Microcomputer-Based. Journal of Educational Computing Research 6(2), 183-202, 1990.
  • Nachmias, R. & Arcavi, A., A Parallel Representation of Linear Function Using a Microcomputer-Based Environment. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 9(4), 79-88, 1990.
  • Nachmias, R., Stavy, R., & Avrams, R.  A Microcomputer-Based Diagnostic System for Identifying Students’ Conception of Heat and Temperature.  International Journal of Science Education 12(2), 123-132, 1990.
  • Arcavi, A. & Nachmias, R.   What is Your Family Name Ms. Function? Exploring Families of Functions with a Non-Conventional Representation. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 12(3/4), 315-329, 1993.
  • מינץ, ר. ונחמיאס, ר. "הוראת מדע וטכנולוגיה בעידן הידע", מחשבים בחינוך גיליון 45-46,  28-35, 1998.
  • Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., Oren, A. & Lahav, O.   Taxonomy of Educational Websites – A Tool for Supporting Research Development and Implementation of Web-Based Learning.   International Journal of Educational Telecommunications 5(3), 193-210, 1999.
  • Mioduser, D., Nachmias, R., Oren, A. & Lahav, O.   Web-Based Learning Environments (WBLES): Current Implementation and Evolving Trends. Journal of Network and Computer Application, 22, 233-247, 1999.
  • Mioduser, D., Lahav, O. & Nachmias, R.   Using Computers to Teach Remedial Spelling to a Student with Low-Vision: A Case Study. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, January, 15-25, 2000.
  • Mioduser, D., Nachmias, R., Oren, A. & Lahav, O.  Web-Based Learning Environments: Current Pedagogical and technological State. Journal of Research in Computing in Education, 33(1), 55-76, 2000.
  • Oren, A., Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D. & Lahav, O.  Learnet – a Model for Virtual Learning Communities in the World Wide Web. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications, 6(2), 141-158, 2000.
  • Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., & Shemla, A.  Internet Usage by Students in an Israeli High School.  Journal of Educational Computing Research, 22(1), 55-73, 2000.
  • Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., Oren, A., & Ram, J. Web-Supported Emergent- Collaboration in Higher Education Courses. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 3(3), 94-104, 2000.
  • Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., & Shemla, A.  Information and Communication Technologies Usage by Students in an Israeli High School: Equity, Gender, and Inside/Outside School Learning Issues. Education and Information Technologies, 6(1), 43-53, 2001.
  • Nachmias, R., & Tuvi, I. Taxonomy of Scientifically Oriented Educational Websites.    Journal of Science Education and Technology, 10(1), 93-104, 2001.
  • Tuvi, I., & Nachmias, R. Current State of Websites in Science Education – Focus on Atomic Structure. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 10(4), 293-303, 2001.
  • Nachmias, R., Shani, N. Learning in Virtual Courses and Its Relationship to Thinking Styles. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 27(3), 313-327, 2002.
  • Nachmias, R., & Gilad, A. Needle in a Hyperstack: Searching Information on the World Wide Web. Journal of Research in Computing in Education 34(4), 2002.
  • Oren, A., Mioduser, D., & Nachmias R. The Development of Social Climate in Virtual Learning Discussion Groups. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 3(1), 1-19, 2002.
  • Nachmias, R. Research framework for the study of a Campus-Wide Web-Based Academic Instruction Project. The Internet and Higher Education, 5(3), 213-229, 2002.
  • Mioduser, D., Nachmias, R., Tubin, D., & Forkosh-Baruch, A. Models of Pedagogical Implementation of ICT in Israeli Schools. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18(4), 405-414, 2002.
  • Nachmias, R. & Segev, L. Students’ Use of Content in Web-Supported Academic Courses. The Internet and Higher Education, 6, 145-157, 2003.
  • Mioduser, D., Nachmias, R., Tubin, D., & Forkosh-Baruch, A. Analysis Scheme for the Study of Domains and Levels of Pedagogical Innovation in Schools Using ICT. Education & Information Technologies 8(1), 23-36, 2003.
  • Tubin, D., Mioduser, D., Nachmias, R., & Forkosh-Baruch, A. Domains and Levels of Pedagogical Innovation in schools using ICT: An Analysis of Ten Innovative Israeli Schools. Education & Information Technologies 8(2), 127-145, 2003.
  • Tuvi, I., & Nachmias, R. A Study of Web-Based Leaning Environments Focusing on Atomic Structure. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 22(3), 225-240, 2003.
  • Bergman, O., Beyth-Marom, R., & Nachmias, R. The Subject-Oriented Approach to Personal Information Management systems. Journal of the American society for Information Science & Technology, 54(9), 872-878, 2003.
  • Nachmias, R. & Segev, L. Content Usage in Web-Supported Academic Instruction. Academic Exchange Quarterly, Spring Issue, 5-10, 2003.
  • Mioduser, D., Nachmias, R., Forkosh-Baruch, A.& Tubin, D. Sustainability, Scalability and Transferability of Pedagogical Innovation in Five Israeli Schools. Journal of Education Communication & Information, 4(1), 71-82, 2004.
  • Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., Cohen, A., Tubin, D. & Forkosh-Baruch, A. Factors Involved in the Implementation of Pedagogical Innovations Using Technology. Education & Information Technologies 9(3), 291-308, 2004.
  • Forkosh-Baruch, A., Mioduser, D., Nachmias, R., & Tubin, D. 'Island of innovation' and 'School-Wide Implementation': Two patterns of  ICT-Based Pedagogical Innovation in Schools. Human Technology 1(2), 202-215, 2005.
  • Cohen, A. & Nachmias, R. A Quantitative Cost Effectiveness Model for Web-supported Academic Instruction. Internet and Higher Education, 9, 81-90, 2006.
  • Steimberg, Y., Ram, J., Nachmias, R & Eshel, A. An On-Line Discussion for supporting students in preparation for a test. Journal of A-synchronous Learning Networks 10 (4), 117-128, 2006.
  • Shemla, A. & Nachmias, R. Current State of Web-Supported Courses at Tel-Aviv University. International Journal of E-Learning, 6(2), 235-246, 2007.
  • Bergman, O., Beyth-Marom, & Nachmias, R. The User-Subjective Approach to Personal Information Management Systems Design: Evidence and Implementations. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59(2), 235-246, 2008.
  • Bergman, O., Beyth-Marom, R., & Nachmias, R., Gordovitch, N. & Whittaker, S.   Improved Search Engines and Navigation Preference in Personal Information Management. Transactions on Information Systems, 26(4), 1-24, 2008.
  • Nachmias, R., & Cohen, A. Economics of Distance and Online Learning: Theory Practice and Research -Book Review.  The American journal of Distance Learning, 22(4), 229-232 2008.
  • Nachmias, R., & Ram, J. Research Insights from a Decade of Campus-wide Implementation of Web-Supported Academic Instruction at Tel Aviv University. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 10(2), 1-15, 2009.
  • Hershkovitz, A., & Nachmias, R. Learning about Online Learning Processes and Students' Motivation through Web Usage Mining. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 5, 197-214, 2009.
  • Hardof-Jaffe, S., Hershkovitz, A., Abu-Kishk, H., Bergman, O. & Nachmias, R. Personal Information Space Organization Strategies in Learning Context, Journal of Digital Information, 10(5), 2009.
  • Cohen, A. & Nachmias, R. Implementing a Cost Effectiveness Analyzer for Web-Supported Academic Instruction: A Campus Wide Analysis. The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 1-14, 2009(2).
  • Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., & Forkosh-Baruch, A. ICT Use in Education: Different Uptake and practice in Hebrew Speaking and Arabic Speaking Schools in Israel. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26(6), 492-506, 2010.
  • Soffer, T., Nachmias, R., & Ram, J. Diffusion of Web Supported Learning in Higher Education- The TAU Case. Educational Technology and Society 13(3), 212-223, 2010.
  • Bergman, O., Whittaker, S., Sanderson, M., Nachmias, R., & Ramamoorthy, A. The Effect of Folder Structure on Personal File Navigation.  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61(12), 2426-2441, 2010.
  • Ben-Zadok, G., Leiba, M., Nachmias, R., & Mintz, R., Comparison of Online Learning Behaviors in School vs. at Home, in Terms of Age and Gender, Using Data Mining Techniques. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 6, 305-322, 2010.
  • Nachmias, R., Web-Mining and Higher Education – Introduction to the Special Issue. The Internet and Higher Education 14(2), 65-66, 2011.
  • Hershkovitz, A. , Hardof-Jaffe, S., Azran,R., & Nachmias, R., Types of Online Hierarchical Repository Structures. The Internet and Higher Education 14(2), 107-122, 2011.
  • Hershkovitz,A, & Nachmias, R., Online Persistence in Higher Education Web-Supported Courses. The Internet and Higher Education 14(2), 98-106, 2011.
  • Cohen, A., & Nachmias, R. A., What Can Instructors and Policy Makers Learn about Web-supported Learning through Web-mining. The Internet and Higher Education 14(2), 67-76, 2011.
  • Gal, E. & Nachmias, R., Implementing On-Line Learning and Performance Support Using an EPSS. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 7, 214-224, 2011.
  • Cohen, A., Shmueli & Nachmias, R. A., The Usage of Data Repositories: The Case of MAOR. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 7, 323-338, 2011.  
  • Ben-Zadok, G., Leiba, M., & Nachmias, R., Drills, Games or Tests? Evaluating Students' Motivation in Different Online Learning Activities, Using Log File Analysis Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 7, 235-248, 2011.
  • Gal, E. & Nachmias, R., On-Line Learning and Performance Support in Organizational Environments Using Performance Support Platforms. Instructional & Performance Technology 50(8), 25-32, 2011.
  • Ben-Zadok, G., Leiba, M., Nachmias, R., & Mintz, R., Anywhere, Anytime?  Examining Students' Online Learning Behaviors at Home vs. in School Using Data Mining Techniques. Computers & Education, 2012.
  • Cohen, A., & Nachmias, R., A.  The Implementation of a Cost Effectiveness Analyzer for Web-Supported Academic Instruction: An Example from Life Science.  International Journal of E-Learning 11(2), 107-124, 2012.
  • Hardof-Jaffe, S., & Nachmias, R., Personal Information Management and Learning. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 4, 2012.
  • Aladjem, R., & Nachmias, R., Constructing Knowledge Via Mobile Devices – One Interaction at a Time. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 4, 2012.
  • Mioduser, D., Nachmias, R., Forkosh-Baruch, Sustainability, Scalability and Transferability of Pedagogical Innovation in Five Israeli Schools. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 4, 2012.
  • Ben-Zadok, G., Leiba, M., & Nachmias, R., Assessing Learning Processes Using Educational Data Mining (EDM) International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 4, 2012.
  • Gal, E. & Nachmias, R., The Effect of User's Attitude on Electronic Performance Support implementation. Instructional & Performance Technology 51(5), 22-31, 2012.
  • Leiba, M., Zuzovsky, R., Mioduser, D., Benayahu, Y., & Nachmias, R. (2012). Learning about ecological systems by constructing qualitative models with DynaLearn. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 8, 165-178.
  • Barankin, R. Yosef1 L., Leiba M., Mioduser D., Nachmias R., Ram J., Zuzovsky R., Benayahu1 Y., Zurel, D. Qualitative Modeling of Diving Pressure in Coral Reefs, 2013.
  • Ruthi Aladjem & Rafi Nachmias The Mobile as an ad hoc PLE: Learning Serendipitously in Urban Contexts.  Journal of Literacy and Technology 157, Volume 15, Number 2, 2014.  ISSN: 1535-0975.
  • Hadas Levi- Gamlieli, Anat Cohen, Rafi Nachmias (2016). Detection of Overly Intensive Learning by Using Weblog of Course Website. Special Issue of Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning (TICL) on Role of Big Data in Instructional Processes.
  • Kahan, T., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2017). Types of Participant Behavior in a Massive Open Online Course. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(6).
  • Shani Evenstein Sigalov & Rafi Nachmias (2017), "Wikipedia as a platform for impactful learning: A new course model in higher education" Education and Information Technologies Volume 22, Issue 6, pp 2959–2979 (2017).
  • Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2018). Effectiveness of learning in online academic courses compared with face‐to‐face courses in higher education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
  • Forkosh-Baruch, A., Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D. (In press). Cross-case analysis of innovative pedagogical practices using technology: An international perspective. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning.


Under Review

  • Soffer, T., Nachmias, R. Effectiveness of Learning in Online Academic Courses Compared to Face-to-Face Courses in Higher Education. Information Technology and  Society
  • Shimony, U., Cohen, A., Nachmias, R., Soffer, T. Characterization of Super Active Learners in MOOC Forums and the Dynamic Knowledge They Generate. Distance Education.
  • Soffer, T., Kahan, T., & Nachmias, R. Patterns of Students' Utilization of Flexibility in Fully Online Academic Courses and Their Relation to Course Achievement. Education and Information Society.
  • Cohen, A., & Shimony, U., Nachmias, R., & Soffer, T.  Active learners' characterization in MOOC forums and their generated knowledge. British Journal of Educational Technology.


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