פרופ' אסתר שרון לוינסון

סגל אקדמי בכיר בביה"ס לחינוך
ראש תכנית בביה"ס לחינוך
ביה"ס לחינוך סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' אסתר שרון לוינסון
טלפון פנימי: 03-6407107
משרד: שרת, 335א


Period of Study (dates)

Name of University (including city and country if not in Israel)


Degree or

Professional License


Queens College of the City University of New York, U.S.

Major: Mathematics

B.A. (magna cum laude) Receive May, 1984. Teacher’s license to teach secondary school mathematics, granted from the state of New York.


Tel Aviv University

Mathematics Education

M.A. (summa cum laude) Received May, 2003


Tel Aviv University


Ph.D. Received April, 2009

תחומי מחקר

תחומי העניין המרכזיים שלי הם קידום יצירתיות מתמטית של תלמידים ושל מורים, תפקידי הדוגמאות וההסברים בלמידת מתמטיקה ובהוראתה, ופיתוח חשיבה מתמטית של ילדים צעירים (גילאי 3-6) ושל גננות. 


Selected publications in refereed journals


  1. Levenson, E., Tirosh, D., & Tsamir, P. (2006). Mathematically-based and practically-based explanations: Individual preferences and sociomathematical norms. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(2), 319-344.
  2. Levenson, E., Tsamir, P., & Tirosh, D. (2007). Neither even nor odd: Sixth grade students' dilemmas regarding the parity of zero. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 26(2), 83-95. Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., & Levenson, E. (2008).
  3. Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., & Levenson, E. (2008). Intuitive nonexamples: The case of triangles. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 69(2), 81-95.
  4. Levenson, E. (2010). Fifth grade students' use and preferences for mathematically and practically based explanations. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 73(2), 121-142.
  5. Levenson, E., Tsamir, P., & Tirosh, D. (2010). Mathematically-based and practically-based explanations in the elementary school: Teachers' preferences. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13(4), 345-369.
  6. Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Tabach, M., & Levenson, E. (2010). Multiple solutions and multiple outcomes – Is it a task for kindergarten children? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 73(3), 217- 231.
  7. Levenson, E. (2011). Exploring collective mathematical creativity in elementary school. Journal of Creative Behavior, 45(3), 215-234.
  8. Levenson, E. (2012). Teachers’ knowledge of the nature of definitions: The case of the zero exponent. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 31(2), 209-219.
  9. Levenson, E. (2013). Exploring one student’s explanations at different ages: the case of Sharon. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83(2), 181-203.
  10. Tirosh, D., Tsamir, P., Levenson, E., Tabach, M., & Barkai, R. (2013) Exploring young children's self-efficacy beliefs related to mathematical and non-mathematical tasks performed in kindergarten: Abused and neglected children and their peers. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83(2), 309-322.
  11. Levenson, E. (2013). Tasks that may occasion mathematical creativity: Teachers’ choices. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 16(4), 269-291.
  12. Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Levenson, E., Tabach, M., & Barkai, R. (2014). Developing preschool teachers' knowledge of students' number conceptions. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 17, 61-83.
  13. Tirosh, D., Tsamir, P. Levenson, E., Barkai, R., & Tabach, M. (2014). Using video as a tool for promoting inquiry among preschool teachers and didacticians of mathematics. ZDM Mathematics Education, 46, 253-266.
  14. Levenson, E. (2015). Exploring Ava's developing sense for tasks that may occasion mathematical creativity. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 18, 1-25. [A according to Williams and Leatham, 2017]
  15. Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Levenson, E., Barkai, R., & Tabach, M. (2015). Early-years teachers' concept images and concept definitions: Triangles, circles, and cylinders. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47(3), 497-509.
  16. Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Levenson, E., Tabach, M., & Barkai, R. (2015). Analyzing number composition and decomposition activities in kindergarten from a numeracy perspective. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47(4), 639-651.
  17. Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Levenson, E., Barkai, R. & Tabach, M. (2017). Repeating patterns in kindergarten: Findings from children’s enactments of two activities. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 96(1), 83-99.
  18. Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Barkai, R., & Levenson, E. (2018). Engaging children with ABA patterns on a computer tablet: Filling in the blanks. Research in Mathematics Education, 20(2), 110-126.
  19. Levenson, E., Swisa, R.*, & Tabach, M. (2018). Evaluating the potential of tasks to occasion mathematical creativity: definitions and measurements. Research in Mathematics Education, 20(3), 273-294.
  20. Tirosh, D., Tsamir, P., Levenson, E., Barkai, R. & Tabach, M. (2019). Preschool teachers’ knowledge of repeating patterns: Focusing on structure and the unit of repeat. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 22(3), 305-325. [A according to Williams and Leatham, 2017]
  21. Tirosh, D., Tsamir, P., Levenson, E., & Barkai, R. (2019). Using theories and research to analyze a case: Learning about example use. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 22(2), 205-225.
  22. Tirosh, D., Tsamir, P., Levenson, E., & Barkai, R. (2020). Setting the table with toddlers: A playful context for engaging in one-to-one correspondence. ZDM Mathematics Education.54(4), 717-728.
  23. Molad, O., Levenson, E., & Levy, S. (2020). Individual and group mathematical creativity amongst post high school students. Educational Studies in Mathematics.104(2), 201-220. 
  24. Ron-Ezra, M. & Levenson, E. (accepted). Finding and explaining the error in two-digit addition: The case of a third-grader with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Mathematical Behavior


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