Period of Study (dates) |
Name of University (including city and country if not in Israel) |
Subject |
Degree or Professional License |
1981-1984 |
Queens College of the City University of New York, U.S. |
Major: Mathematics |
B.A. (magna cum laude) Receive May, 1984. Teacher’s license to teach secondary school mathematics, granted from the state of New York. |
2001-2003 |
Tel Aviv University |
Mathematics Education |
M.A. (summa cum laude) Received May, 2003 |
2003-2009 |
Tel Aviv University |
Education |
Ph.D. Received April, 2009 |
פרופ' אסתר שרון לוינסון
סגל אקדמי בכיר בביה"ס לחינוך
ראש תכנית בביה"ס לחינוך
ביה"ס לחינוך
סגל אקדמי בכיר
ראש תכנית בביה"ס לחינוך
![פרופ' אסתר שרון לוינסון פרופ' אסתר שרון לוינסון](
תחומי מחקר
תחומי העניין המרכזיים שלי הם קידום יצירתיות מתמטית של תלמידים ושל מורים, תפקידי הדוגמאות וההסברים בלמידת מתמטיקה ובהוראתה, ופיתוח חשיבה מתמטית של ילדים צעירים (גילאי 3-6) ושל גננות.
Selected publications in refereed journals
- Levenson, E., Tirosh, D., & Tsamir, P. (2006). Mathematically-based and practically-based explanations: Individual preferences and sociomathematical norms. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(2), 319-344.
- Levenson, E., Tsamir, P., & Tirosh, D. (2007). Neither even nor odd: Sixth grade students' dilemmas regarding the parity of zero. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 26(2), 83-95. Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., & Levenson, E. (2008).
- Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., & Levenson, E. (2008). Intuitive nonexamples: The case of triangles. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 69(2), 81-95.
- Levenson, E. (2010). Fifth grade students' use and preferences for mathematically and practically based explanations. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 73(2), 121-142.
- Levenson, E., Tsamir, P., & Tirosh, D. (2010). Mathematically-based and practically-based explanations in the elementary school: Teachers' preferences. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13(4), 345-369.
- Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Tabach, M., & Levenson, E. (2010). Multiple solutions and multiple outcomes – Is it a task for kindergarten children? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 73(3), 217- 231.
- Levenson, E. (2011). Exploring collective mathematical creativity in elementary school. Journal of Creative Behavior, 45(3), 215-234.
- Levenson, E. (2012). Teachers’ knowledge of the nature of definitions: The case of the zero exponent. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 31(2), 209-219.
- Levenson, E. (2013). Exploring one student’s explanations at different ages: the case of Sharon. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83(2), 181-203.
- Tirosh, D., Tsamir, P., Levenson, E., Tabach, M., & Barkai, R. (2013) Exploring young children's self-efficacy beliefs related to mathematical and non-mathematical tasks performed in kindergarten: Abused and neglected children and their peers. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83(2), 309-322.
- Levenson, E. (2013). Tasks that may occasion mathematical creativity: Teachers’ choices. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 16(4), 269-291.
- Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Levenson, E., Tabach, M., & Barkai, R. (2014). Developing preschool teachers' knowledge of students' number conceptions. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 17, 61-83.
- Tirosh, D., Tsamir, P. Levenson, E., Barkai, R., & Tabach, M. (2014). Using video as a tool for promoting inquiry among preschool teachers and didacticians of mathematics. ZDM Mathematics Education, 46, 253-266.
- Levenson, E. (2015). Exploring Ava's developing sense for tasks that may occasion mathematical creativity. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 18, 1-25. [A according to Williams and Leatham, 2017]
- Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Levenson, E., Barkai, R., & Tabach, M. (2015). Early-years teachers' concept images and concept definitions: Triangles, circles, and cylinders. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47(3), 497-509.
- Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Levenson, E., Tabach, M., & Barkai, R. (2015). Analyzing number composition and decomposition activities in kindergarten from a numeracy perspective. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47(4), 639-651.
- Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Levenson, E., Barkai, R. & Tabach, M. (2017). Repeating patterns in kindergarten: Findings from children’s enactments of two activities. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 96(1), 83-99.
- Tsamir, P., Tirosh, D., Barkai, R., & Levenson, E. (2018). Engaging children with ABA patterns on a computer tablet: Filling in the blanks. Research in Mathematics Education, 20(2), 110-126.
- Levenson, E., Swisa, R.*, & Tabach, M. (2018). Evaluating the potential of tasks to occasion mathematical creativity: definitions and measurements. Research in Mathematics Education, 20(3), 273-294.
- Tirosh, D., Tsamir, P., Levenson, E., Barkai, R. & Tabach, M. (2019). Preschool teachers’ knowledge of repeating patterns: Focusing on structure and the unit of repeat. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 22(3), 305-325. [A according to Williams and Leatham, 2017]
- Tirosh, D., Tsamir, P., Levenson, E., & Barkai, R. (2019). Using theories and research to analyze a case: Learning about example use. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 22(2), 205-225.
- Tirosh, D., Tsamir, P., Levenson, E., & Barkai, R. (2020). Setting the table with toddlers: A playful context for engaging in one-to-one correspondence. ZDM Mathematics Education., 54(4), 717-728.
- Molad, O., Levenson, E., & Levy, S. (2020). Individual and group mathematical creativity amongst post high school students. Educational Studies in Mathematics.104(2), 201-220.
- Ron-Ezra, M. & Levenson, E. (accepted). Finding and explaining the error in two-digit addition: The case of a third-grader with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Mathematical Behavior.