פרופ' אורית איכילוב

אמריטוס בביה"ס לחינוך
ביה"ס לחינוך אמריטוס
פרופ' אורית איכילוב
פקס: 03-6427973
משרד: שרת

מידע כללי

Orit Ichilov is a sociologist and full professor at the School of Education of Tel-Aviv University.

Her research has focused on political socialization and political education. She is the author of:

Political Learning and Citizenship Education Under Conflict (2004);  The Political World of Children and Adolescents (1984, in Hebrew), and Citizenship Education in an Emerging Society (1993, in Hebrew); coauthor of Between State and Church: Life History of a French-CatholicSchool in Jaffa  (1996); and editor of Political Socialization, Citizenship Education, and Democracy (1990), Education for Democratic Citizenship (1994, in Hebrew), and Citizenship and Citizenship Education in a Changing World  (1998).

Her Publications also include articles in professional journals, chapters in books, and encyclopedia entries. Ichilov was the Israeli National Representative and chief investigator in the 2000 Civic Education International Study of the IEA. Ichilov chaired the Department of Educational Sciences at Tel-Aviv University and was vice-president of the International Society of Political Psychology. During the academic year 2002/2003 Ichilov was fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington D.C.


Ichilov was member of the City Council of Tel-Aviv Jaffa (1993-1998), working to advance equality of educational opportunities and education for democracy. Recently she chaired a sub-committee on education in a committee advising the Ministry of Justice on the implementation in legislation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

קורות חיים

Ph.D. in Sociology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA.

MA in Sociology, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA.

BA in Sociology and Political Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, ISRAEL.


Courses Taught:
•Introductory course to the Sociology of Education.
•Educational policy: Educational and social consequences.
•Sociological theories.
•Workshop for Ph.D. students.


Professional Experience:

Chairperson, Department of Educational Sciences 1992-1995

Israeli National Coordinator (chief investigator) for  the IEA Civic Education Project. Phases I & II..
Elected Vice President, International Society of Political
  Psychology...  1996-1998 
Appointed by the Minister of Justice as chairperson
  of the sub-committee on education in the Committee
  for the Implementation in Legislation of the UN Convention
  on the Rights of the Child.  2000-2003

Head, Committee on Doctoral Students (Ph.D. Program). Tel-Aviv University, School of Education 
October, 2003-

תחומי מחקר והוראה

תחומי מחקר: סוציולוגיה של החינוך, חינוך פוליטי וחינוך לדמוקרטיה 

תחומי הוראה: סוציולוגיה של החינוך, חינוך פוליטי וחינוך לדמוקרטיה

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>