פרופ' אסתר דרומי

אמריטוס בביה"ס לחינוך
ביה"ס לחינוך אמריטוס

מידע כללי

Throughout my academic career, my main goals have been to design research programs that will expand the knowledge on the course of early development of Hebrew as a first language by typical children, and to facilitate research on language assessment and language intervention with Israeli young children with special educational needs.


 I carried research studies on language development and language impairments in children with communication and language disorders and children with deafness. Dduring the last ten years I specialize in the study of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The main theme in my research efforts is to connect theory with practice.


The scope of my studies has been to consider each child within his/her family and the educational community. I wish to establish in Tel Aviv University a research center that will focus on the study of Autism and will serve scientists, students, and parents in the course of early intervention. A tentative name for this center is: ASD: The child, the family and the community.

קורות חיים


BA       Tel-Aviv University, Israel; 1973; Communication Disorders: Speech & Hearing

MA      Tel-Aviv University, Israel; 1977; Communication Disorders: Speech & Hearing

Ph.D   The University of Kansas, USA; 1982; Special Studies: Child Language


Professional Experience


1983 ‑ 1988   Tel Aviv University, School of Education ‑ Lecturer     

1988               University of Pennsylvania, Psychology ‑ Visiting Professor

1994 - 1997   University of Texas at Dallas, School of Human Development, The Callier Center   for Communication Disorders- Visiting Scholar     

1999 -2009.     Tel Aviv University, School of Education ‑ Professor                                        

2000 -2004.   Tel Aviv University, School of Education - Chairperson, Department   of Human Development and Education

2010- present   Tel Aviv University, School of Education – Full Professor   


Current Activities (2010-2012)

Doctoral  students’ committee, Constantiner School of Education

Library committee,  Constantiner School of Education

M.A. final  examination coordinator MA programs in Special Education and Educational Counseling,  Constantiner School of Education

Development of a two year certificate program for specialization in ASD for parents, paraprofessionals and teachers. This new academic program will begin in the Fall of 2012. It will run by the center for Center for Professional Development in Education of Tel Aviv University.

תחומי מחקר והוראה

תחומי מחקר: התפתחות לקסיקאלית מוקדמת, מורפולוגיה אצל ילדים לקויי שפה, הקניית שפה לתלמידים לקויי שמיעה 
תחומי הוראה: התפתחות שפה וחשיבה, תקשורת ושפה, התפתחות שפת אם, מחקר בינלשוני של ילדים לקויי שפה.


Research Areas

  • Early Lexical Development
  • A Clinical Marker for Specific Language Impairment (SLI) in Hebrew Speaking Children
  • Language Assessment and Intervention for the identification of Israeli children with ASD and other developmental disorders.
  • Language Intervention Programs for Young Israeli Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)and their family members
  • Transition from Communication to Language in Young Children with and without Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Early Words in Context
  • Families of Children with Developmental Impairments (mainly Deafness and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Parents’ Expectations and Collaborations with Professionals and Educational Staff
  • Educational Inclusion of Preschool Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
  • Emotional Engagement, Symbolic Play and Early Language in Young children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

פרסומים נבחרים

Short List of Selected Publications (Recent Years)



Dromi, E. Early lexical development. London: Cambridge University Press, 1987

Dromi, E. & Ringwald Frimerman, D. Communication and language intervention with hearing impaired children: The prelinguistic stage. Tel Aviv, Israel: Tel Aviv University: Ramot, 1996. (Hebrew).

Dromi, E., Fuks, O., Ringwald-Frimerman, D. &  Zohar, N. Implementation of “Kesher” Programs in the preschool. Tel Aviv, Israel : Maalot. 151 pages. 2003. (Hebrew).

Dromi, E. & Ingber, S., Communication and language in preschool years: Parents and professionals. Tel Aviv, Israel: Maalot. 2009. (Hebrew).

Dromi, E., Eden, S., Zaduneiski-Ehrlich, S., Ringwald-Frimerman, D., & Levi-

Eitan, H., Communication and language in preschool years: Scripts as intervention tools. Tel Aviv, Israel: Maalot.2009. (Hebrew).


Articles (2007-2010)

Zaidman- Zait, A., & Dromi, E., Analogous and distinctive patterns of prelinguistic communication in toddlers with and without hearing loss. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 50, 1166-  1180. 2007.

Ingber, S., & Dromi, E., Demographics Affecting Parental Expectations from Early

Deaf Intervention. Deafness and Education International, 11(2): 83–111.2009.

Dromi, E., &  Zaidman-Zait, A.,  Interrelations among communicative behaviors at the  outset of  speech: Parents as observers. Journal of Child Language, 37 (3):, 2010.

Ingber, S., & Dromi, E., Family centered practice in early intervention for children with hearing loss: Actual versus desired. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 15

( 1): 59-71, 2010.

Ingber, S. Alyagon, M. & Dromi, E., Mothers' Involvement in Early Intervention for Children with Hearing Loss: The Role of Maternal Characteristics and Context-Based Perceptions. Journal of Early Intervention. (2011).


Chapters in Books (2007-2010)

Shteiman, M., & Dromi, E., Communication, Language and speech in young children with Autism: Assessment and intervention principles.  In S. Lowinger (Ed.), Interactive Approaches to the Treatment of Children with Communication Disorders.Haifa, Israel: Ach Publishing House.  2007.  (Hebrew)

 Dromi, E.  Old data new eyes: Theories of word meaning acquisition. In Gathercole, V.C.  Mueller.  Routes to Language: Studies in Honor of Melissa Bowerman.  N.Y.: Psychology  Press/Taylor and Francis. 2009.

 Ravid, D., Dromi, E., & Kotler, P., Linguistic complexity in school-age text production: Expository vs. mathematical discourse. In Marilyn A. Nippold & Cheryl M. Scott, (Eds.) Expository Discourse in Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Development and Disorders. NY: Psychology Press, 2009.

Dromi, E., & Shteiman, M. A developmental model for the assessment of  communication and language. In Korat, O. and Aram, D (Eds.), Literacy and language: Interrelations,  Biligualism and Disorders. Jerusalem, Israel. Magnes Publishing House. 2011. (Hebrew).

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