השכלה אקדמית
1990-1993 B.A אוניברסיטת תל אביב, רמת אביב, יעוץ חינוכי ושפה וספרות ערבית
1993-1994 תעודת הוראה בערבית, אוניברסיטת תל אביב (בהצטיינות)
1998-2001 M.A . אוניברסיטת תל אביב, רמת אביב. החוג לתכנון לימודים והוראה, המסלול תקשורת ומחשבים בחינוך (בהצטיינות יתרה)
2003-2010 Ph.D . אוניברסיטת תל אביב, רמת אביב. חינוך מתמטי, מדעי וטכנולוגי
ניסיון מקצועי
1993-2000 יעוץ, הוראה, ריכוז תחום המחשוב וניהול (מ-1998) בבית הספר היסודי, צופה שרון, באלפי מנשה
2000-2001 פיקוח ארצי על יוזמות ופרויקטים, המנהל למדע ולטכנולוגיה, משרד החינוך
2000-2002 הערכת סביבות למידה מתוקשבות וספרי לימוד, משרד החינוך
2000-2002 SITES M2-OECD , המחקר הבינלאומי של ה-IEA`s לחקר שילוב טכנולוגיות מידע ותקשורת בחינוך - חוקרת בצוות הישראלי מאוניברסיטת תל אביב
2001-היום למידה אקדמית ברשת באוניברסיטת תל אביב, פיתוח פדגוגי, הערכה ומחקר – Virtual TAU
ניסיון בבית הספר לחינוך ע"ש קונסטנטינר
מ-2011 מרצה וחוקרת בחוג לחינוך מתמטי, מדעי וטכנולוגי וביחידה להכשרה להוראה
מ-2014 ראש התכנית טכנולוגיה ולמידה בחוג לחינוך מתמטי, מדעי וטכנולוגי
הצגה בכנסים בינלאומיים
- Cohen, A., Shonfeld, M., & Finkbeiner, C. (2021). Creating a Cyberspace Community: A Cooperative International Online Project. Abstract to The International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE), Online, hosted by the Kibbutzim College of Education Technology and the Arts, in cooperation with the MOFET institute in Israel.
- Baruth, O., & Cohen, A. (2021). Increasing Student Satisfaction with a Personality-Based Personalized Learning Path. Paper for ED-Media + Innovate Learning 2021. Online. United States.
- Gabbay, H., & Cohen, A. (2021). Exploring learners’ data of automated feedback system in online programming course – what can be learned? Paper for the 2021 AERA Annual Meeting.
- Ezra, O., Cohen, A. Bronshtein A., Gabbay H., & Baruth O. (2021). Critical success factors of distance online learning in higher education during COVID-19: Differences among students. Paper for SITE 2021 - Society for Information Techology & Teacher Education, Online, USA. March-April, 2021.
- Ezra, O., Cohen, A. (2021). Impact of Contextualized Mobile Assisted Chinese Learning on Students’ Language Learning Motivation: Comprehensive Theoretical Framework. Paper for SITE 2021 - Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, Online, USA. March-April, 2021.
- Ezra, O., & Cohen, A. (2021). Educational Equity during COVID: Online Learning Difficulties of Juggling Parent or Working Students. Paper for the 2021 AERA Annual Meeting.
- Evenstein Sigalov, S. & Cohen, A. (2020). Integrating Wikipedia into Higher Education: A new Course Model for Social Impact. Paper presented in the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting- online repository.
- Afrah, A., & Cohen, A. (2020). Context-based learning in hybrid environment as an approach for teaching, learning, and assessing, in chemistry, for middle school students. Abstract for the ECRICE" conference, Israel.
- Cohen, A. (2020). Panel management in the Hybrid learning environment conference and workshop, took place simultaneously on Levinsky College of Education, Haifa University, and Sapir college, Israel as well as on Aarhus University, Denmark.
- Cohen, A. (2019). Invited presentation, Learning Analytics: Enhancing Teaching and Learning, for the Amrita-TAU Workshop series: Sustainable development workshop: SDG 04. Hosted by AMMACHI labs & Center of international programs, Amritapuri Campus, India. December 23-24, 2019.
- Cohen, A., Soffer, T., & Henderson, M. (2019). Understanding successful and sustained technology enabled learning across institutional and cultural contexts in higher education. Paper for the EdMedia + Innovate Learning, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Cohen, A. (2019). Invitation to visit NTNU (National Taiwan Normal University) and introduce my MALL research – Mobile assisted language learning in a two-days seminar. September 19-20, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Levy, B., Hershkovitz, A., Tzayada, O., Ezra, O., Segal, A., Gal, K., Cohen, A., & Tabach, M. (2019). Teacher vs. algorithm: double-blind experiment of content sequencing in mathematics. Poster for the Educational Data Mining (EDM) 2019, Montréal, Canada.
- Cohen, A. (2019). Examination of massive number of students' perception of successful MOOCs. Paper presentation as part of Sumposium at the 2019 ESERA Conference, Bologna, Italy.
- Hershkovitz, A., Tzayada, O., Ezra, O., Cohen, A., Tabach, M., Levy, B., Segal, A., & Gal, K. (2019). Can an Algorithm Prepare Students to Tasks without Knowing What the Tasks Are? Full research paper for the CSCI-ISED symposium, the international conference on computational science and computational intelligence (CSCI'19: December 05-07, 2019, Las Vegas, USA). Publisher: IEEE CPS - https://www.computer.org/conferences/cps
- Ben-Haim, E., Cohen, A., Tabach, M. (2019). Types of graphic interface design and their role in learning via mathematical applets at the elementary school. Paper was accepted for the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME-11), Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Nakash-Stern, G., & Cohen, A. (2019). Developing MAP for integrating mathematical applets in teaching sequence. Paper was accepted for the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME-11), Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Afrah, A., Cohen, A. (2018). How beneficial and satisfying might a flipped classroom be to high-school science education? A comparative case study. Paper for the Excellence, Innovation & Creativity in Basic-Higher Education & Psychology conference, Antalya, Turkey.
- Ezra, O., & Cohen, A. (2018). Contextualised MALL Quantitative Evaluation Tool for L2 Chinese. Paper for the 9th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture, and Education (ICLICE), Bangkok, Thailand.
- Cohen, A., Soffer, T., & Henderson, M. (2018). Understanding successful and sustained technology enabled learning across institutional and cultural contexts in higher education. Abstract for the faculty research seminar at Monash university, Clayton, Australia.
- Soffer, T., & Cohen, A. (2018). Learning analytics for enhancing teaching and learning. Abstract for the faculty research seminar at Monash university, Clayton, Australia.
- Cohen, A., & Ezra, O. (2018). Contextualised MALL Comparison of L2 Chinese Students in Target and Non-Target Country. Abstract for the Digital Learning in the Humanities and Beyond, International conference at Irvine University, California, USA.
- Soffer, T., Cohen, A., & Henderson, M. (2018). Understanding successful and sustained technology enabled learning across institutional and cultural contexts in higher education. Abstract for the Digital Learning in the Humanities and Beyond, International conference at Irvine University, California, USA.
- Glick, D., Cohen, A., Festinger, E., Xu D., Li, Q., & Warschauer, M. (2018). Using Learning Analytics to Examine the Strongest Predictors of Persistence and Performance in an Online English Language Course. Abstract for the Digital Learning in the Humanities and Beyond, International conference at Irvine University, California, USA.
- Ezra, O., & Cohen, A. (2018). How to Increase Contextualised MALL of L2 Chinese Adult Students in Target and Non-Target Countries. Paper for the 10th international conference and workshops on technology and Chinese language teaching (TCLT10), The National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
- Cohen, A, Shimony, U. & Nachmias, R. (2017). Content analysis of MOOC forums, The characteristics of the learners' discourse in forums. Paper for the Intelligent Systems Conference 2017, London, UK.
- Cohen, A., & Shimony, U. (2016). Dropout prediction in a massive open online course using learning analytics. Paper for the E-Learn 2016 international conference organized by the AACE-Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education and the International Journal on E-Learning, Washington, USA.
- Cohen, A. (2015). Web-Based Analysis of Student Activity for Predicting Dropout. Paper for the EDEN 2015 Annual Conference - Expanding Learning Scenarios, Barcelona, Spain.
- Shimony, U., Cohen, A., Nachmias, R., & Soffer, T. (2015). The Online Learners in MOOC Social Environments. Paper for the EDEN 2015 Annual Conference - Expanding Learning Scenarios, Barcelona, Spain.
- Soffer, T., & Cohen, A. (2015). Implementation of MOOCs as Part of the Academic Curriculum at Tel Aviv University. Paper for the Global Learn 2015, Global Conference on Learning and Technology, FernUniversität in Hagen, Berlin.
- Cohen, A., Sofer, T. (2013). Academic Instruction in Digital World: The Virtual TAU Case. 4th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership. Barcelona, Spain.
- Cohen, A., Reisman, S., Sperling, B. (2013). Personal Collection in MERLOT as a Compilation of Learning Object Repository. Paper for the 2013 Informing Science + IT Education Conferences, Porto, Portugal.
- Cohen, A., Reisman, S., Sperling, B., & Shmueli, E. (2012). Personal Collection in MERLOT Repository. Paper for the Annual International Symposium for Emerging Technologies for Online Learning, Las Vegas, USA.
- Cohen, A. (2011). Moodle implementation on Campus as a catalyst for change in pedagogical concepts. Paper for the 17th Annual Sloan Consortium International Conference on Online Learning, Florida, USA.
- Cohen, A., Shmueli, E. (2011). MAOR, Meta-data and Object Repository: A national Israeli learning object repository. Paper for the 4th Knowledge Cities World Summit: Knowledge Cities for Future Generation, Brazil.
- Cohen, A., Nachmias, R. (2010). What Can Instructors and Policy Makers Learn about Web-supported Learning through Web-log analysis? Paper for the ICETC 2010: The 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer (proceeding by IEEE), Shanghai, China.
- Cohen, A., Nachmias, R. (2009). Implementing a cost effectiveness analyzer for web-supported academic instruction: a campus wide analysis. Paper for the EDEN 2009 Annual Conference - innovation in learning communities, what did you invent for tomorrow? Poland.
- Cohen, A., Nachmias, R. (2008). A Case Study of Implementing a Cost Effectiveness Analyzer for Web-Supported Academic Instruction: An Example from Life Science. Paper for the EDEN 2008 Annual Conference – NEW LEARNING CULTURES, How do we learn? Where do we learn? Portugal.
- Cohen, A., Nachmias, R. (2007). A Computational Mechanism for Assessing the Cost Effectiveness of Web-supported Academic Instruction. Paper for the EDEN 2007 annual conference – NEW LEARNING 2.0? Emerging digital territories developing continuities New divides, Italy.
- Cohen, A., Nachmias, R. (2006). A Computational Mechanism for Assessing the Effectiveness of Web-Supported Academic Instruction. Paper for the ICICTE 2006 - International Conference on Information Communications Technologies in Education, Greece.
- Cohen, A., Nachmias, R. (2005). A Quantitative Cost Effectiveness model for Web Supported Academic Instruction. Paper for the EDEN 2005 annual conference – Lifelong E-Learning: Bringing E-Learning close to Lifelong Learning and Working Life, A New Period of Uptake, Helsinki.
- Cohen, A., Nachmias, R. and Forkosh-Baruch, A. (2004). A Cost Effectiveness model for Web Supported Academic Instruction: Development, Validation, and Implementation. Paper for the ED-MEDIA 2004 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Switzerland.
- Nachmias, R., Mioduser, D., Cohen, A., Tubin, D., and Forkosh-Baruch, A. (2004). Levels, Domains and Involved Factors: Implementation of Pedagogical Innovations Using Technology. Paper for the IRC-2004 conference (IEA International Research Conference), Cyprus.
פעילות ותפקידים
חברה בצוות Virtual TAU - למידה אקדמית ברשת של אוניברסיטת תל אביב, פיתוח פדגוגי, הערכה ומחקר
מעריכה מאמרים בכתבי עת שפיטים:
The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning; The Internet and Higher Education; Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy.
חברה בועדות התוכנית של כנסי מיט"ל, מרכז ידע טכנולוגיות למידה