
Research Reports

Strategic Foresight for R&I Policy in Horizon 2020, report of the Expert Group. (2017). European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Directorate A, Policy Development and Coordination. Unit A3 — Horizon 2020 Policy. 104p. Doi: 10.2777/768916. file:///C:/Users/talsofer/Downloads/KI0417435ENN.en.pdf

Hauptman, A., Soffer, T., (2017). Networked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society – WYRED Delphi Study. EU Horizon 2020. 70p.

Hauptman, A., Kearney, N., Raban, Y., Soffer T., (2018). Networked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society – WYRED second Delphi Study. EU Horizon 2020. 42p.

Soffer, T., et al. (2018). Monitoring and Assessment Plan and tools for Responsible and Research Innovation (RRI). D5.1 report for HubIT project: The HUB for boosting the Responsibility and inclusiveness of ICT enabled Research and Innovation through constructive interactions with SSH research. EU Horizon 2020. 63p.

Soffer, T., et al.(2019). RRI Impact assessment: D5.2 monitoring report for HubIT project: The HUB for boosting the Responsibility and inclusiveness of ICT enabled Research and Innovation through constructive interactions with SSH research. EU Horizon2020. 64p.

Soffer, T., et al.(2021). HubIT RRI Impact assessment: D5.3 final monitoring report of HubIT project: The HUB for boosting the Responsibility and inclusiveness of ICT enabled Research and Innovation through constructive interactions with SSH research. EU Horizon 2020. 65p.  



Cohen, A., Shimony, U., Nachmias, R., & Soffer, T. (2019). Active learners’ characterization in MOOC forums and their generated knowledge. British Journal of Educational Technology50(1), 177-198.

Soffer, T., & Cohen, A. (2019). Students' engagement characteristics predict success and completion of online courses. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12340

Soffer, T., Kahan, T., & Nachmias, R. (2019). Patterns of Students’ Utilization of Flexibility in Online Academic Courses and Their Relation to Course Achievement. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning20(3). https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v20i4.3949

Cohen, A., Soffer, T., Hederson, M. (2022). Students’ Use of Technology and Their Perceptions of Its Usefulness in Higher Education: International Comparison. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.  http://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12678

Patael, S., Shamir, J., Soffer, T., Livne, E., Fogel‐Grinvald, H., & Kishon‐Rabin, L. (2022). Remote proctoring: Lessons learned from the COVID‐19 pandemic effect on the large scale on‐line assessment at Tel Aviv University. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.‏ https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12746


Chapters in Books & Books

Cohen, A., & Soffer, T. (2022). Implementing digital pedagogy in Tel Aviv University academic instruction. In R. Blonder, H. Meishar-Tal, A. Forkosh-Baruch, A. Shoshani (Eds), Learning Technologies in Higher Education in Israel -Vol 1 (pp 158-162). Israel, Tel Aviv: MEITAL [Hebrew]


Conference Publications

Publications in English

Cohen, A., Soffer, T., & Henderson, M. (2019). Understanding successful and sustained technology enabled learning across institutional and cultural contexts in higher education. Paper for the EdMedia + Innovate Learning, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Soffer, T. (2019). The Age of Emoji – How New Technologies Change the #Language?. Abstract for the Hebrew conference of North America, World Zionist organization. NJ, USA.

Soffer, T (2019). Implementing technological tools for Hebrew instruction as an active and challenging experience. Abstract for a workshop in the Hebrew conference of North America, World Zionist organization. NJ, USA.

Soffer, T. (2020). Living in a virtual world – beyond COVID-19: Implications of Emerging technologies. AFTAU (American Friends of Tel Aviv university) Webinar with over 200 participants.


Publications in Hebrew

Weisman, T., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2019).  The impact of online academic course with score on students' engagement, satisfaction and their achievements compared to non-score online academic course. Paper for the 17th Annual MEITAL National Conference. Teaching and learning integrating technology in higher education: paths and trends. Tel Aviv, Israel.

Zuta-Kline, A., Soffer, T. (2019). Active learning – strategies and tools that engage and motivate students to act in class. Paper for the 17th Annual MEITAL National Conference. Teaching and learning integrating technology in higher education: paths and trends. Tel Aviv, Israel.

Soffer, T., Cohen, A. & Klauzner, D. (2020). The implications of GDPR on higher education – Students' perceptions. Paper for the 7th Privacy, Cyber and Technology Workshop- Tel Aviv University – Faculty of Law, Sonia & Edward Kosoy Conference.

Soffer, T., Cohen, A. & Klauzner, D. (2020). The implications of GDPR on higher education. Paper for the 18th Annual MEITAL National Conference. Teaching and learning integrating technology in higher education: paths and trends. Tel Aviv, Israel.

Youngk, L., & Soffer, T. (2021). Instruction's perceptions in higher education on online learning during COVID-19: challenges, achievements, and future implications. Paper for The Chais 16th annual conference in Israel.

Klauzner, D., Soffer, T., & Cohen, A. (2021). Awareness of privacy in higher education in the age of digital learning. Paper for The Chais 16th Annual Conference in Israel.

Soffer, T., Zuta, A. (2022). Speak up! Engaging young citizens in a disruptive world. OECD International Education Innovation Conference.


Other Publications


Soffer, T., Soroka-Zuta, A., Frank, G. (2020).  Online teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic - the case of Tel Aviv University. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tal-Soffer-2

Newsletter article - Fight Covid-19 pandemic and protect the environment – published on Ynet news, February 2021, Israel.  https://www.ynet.co.il/environment-science/article/H1G5ldKeO?utm_source=m.ynet.co.il&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=whatsapp

Soffer, T., Soroka-Zuta, A. (2021).  RRI Impact Assessment – Insights from HubIT project. Published on HubIT EU project newsletter.  https://www.hubit-project.eu/news/rri-impact-assessment-insights-from-hubit-project

Soffer, T., Edut, I., Soroka-Zuta, A. (2022).  Responsible Innovation in Health: Bridging the Gaps - Connecting Technological, Medical, and Social Language. ICU4Covid - Newsletter article. https://www.icu4covid.eu/may-2022

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